Algebra and Number Talks! Get your students' minds warmed up for factoring.

I am about to teach factoring trinomials! And my students still don’t seem to have ready access to their common factors or multiples. How can I give them an opportunity to recall, remember or relearn multiplication facts when I am busy teaching all these Algebra standards?

Do Number Talks! Use this 5-10 minute routine daily. The Number Talk routine gives everyone an opportunity to engage in a mathematical conversation, without calculators, without paper and pencils and sticky memorized algorithms.  It is a space without grades. A benefit for you - less time in the grading bubble and for the students - taking risks without judgement and grade trauma. The routine is run by the teacher, but using the minds and voices of your students. Another benefit for you - planning time is minimized, you pick an appropriate prompt and leave the rest of the discussion up to the minds in your classroom. It is never boring and from class to class you get different results learning so much about your students while they learn from each other.

Here are a few of my favorite talks I have used in Algebra 1.

Source: Thumbs Up Math Number Talk Flip Book Series by Jackie Palmquist and Friends

These are just a few examples. As you record or scribe student thinking, you will reveal student thinking for all to see. Students will bring a variety of strategies to compare and connect. Students who may struggle still with fact fluency get a golden opportunity to be reminded and revisit techniques that may resonate with them. Utilizing student voice empowers students and allows all learners a space where their ideas and thoughts are respected and valued.  Even incorrect responses should be posted and inspected and more importantly respected as a place to learn and grow.

Anvesh .